Latest NewsSchool HighlightsStudent Achievements 2023/24 The Schools Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China Tsuen Wan and Islands District, Inter-School Table Tennis Competition, Girls Grade A, Champion Share 本校女子乒乓球隊於2023/24中國香港學界體育聯會荃灣及離島區乒乓球團體比賽中獲得女子甲組冠軍。 在此恭賀4C盧紫昕、 5C蘇恩悅 及 5C黃敬瑤同學。
Latest NewsSchool HighlightsStudent Activity Sharing Session cum Photo Exhibition for Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR Ng Cheuk Hei 2022-07-082022-07-08