
Congratulations to our alumnus Mr. Chow Huen Long on receiving scholarships from Tung Wah College!


Congratulations to our alumnus Mr. Chow Huen Long on receiving scholarships from Tung Wah College! Mr. Chow has shown excellence in his academic pursuits and was awarded the TWGHs Ma Chan Memorial Scholarships (Entrance Scholarships) and Bingo Lui Yuen Ping Scholarship. Congratulations to Mr. Chow!

恭賀本校畢業生周暄朗獲東華學院頒贈獎學金! 周同學在學術成績上表現優異,獲東華學院頒發兩項獎學金,分別是:東華三院馬錦燦紀念奬學金及呂婉冰奬學金。恭喜周同學,願他百尺竿頭,更進一步。

[googlepdf url=”https://www.plklsp.edu.hk/wp-content/uploads/20200826.pdf” ]

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